Tuesday, August 2, 2011

CAS100A Taught Me...

When I decided to take CAS100A for one of my English credits this summer, I was horrified. I had never taken a public speaking class and I had very little experience talking professionally in front of an audience. However, I realized how valuable this class was and it taught me a lot about speech techniques as well as myself. I really feel like I am much better at communicating to an audience after taking this class. I thought the most valuable thing that we have done in speech was the policy speech. Although this speech was nerve-racking because of the time requirements, it was the one chance I had to talk about something I really cared about. I've never had that opportunity before and even though I don't really enjoy giving speeches, I did enjoy having that opportunity.

I think at the start of this summer session I was very overly anxious and critical on myself when delivering my speeches. However, I now feel a lot more confidence when I go up to the podium. I can do this. And to be honest, it really isn't that bad. The worst part is the anticipation of giving your speech if anything is. I think the skills that I have learned in this class will help me throughout my college career and the rest of my life. Now that I feel more confident in front of an audience, I won't be as hesitant to voice my opinion and stand up for what I think is right. Getting up in front of an audience used to be the most terrifying thought to me. Now, I see it as just another valuable challenge in my life.

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