Friday, August 5, 2011


When I look back at the beginning of the course, I had no idea what was ahead of me at the time. These past weeks have gone by so fast and I have learned so much from CAS 100A. When I was initially thinking about giving my first speech on the first day of class, I was so curious as to what it would be about and how I would do. That first speech seemed so far away at the time, but now that the course is almost over I realized how fast this summer semester has went.
From being nervous about my first speech in front of a class of students I didn't even know to now being able to call my classmates my friends has been an experience that I will not forget. My first blog post about FDR's address to the nation after the attacks on pearl harbor was my initial view on public speaking. After everything that I have learned, I still view that speech as a prime example of public speaking at its best. The way he spoke, organized his points, presented his message, and persuaded the United States citizens are all parts of speech that we learned about. I do understand the speech more clearly and I can imagine how he prepared for it.
My view on public speaking has changed throughout the course. When we began the course, I thought public speaking was almost an easy task that just took speaking from your mind, but now I appreciate good speakers a lot more than I did.
The things that I have learned will help me speak publicly in the future no matter what the situation. This was one of the most useful classes that I have ever taken and I am glad that I took it during the summer.

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