This blog represents the collective scholarly efforts of the students and instructor of CAS 100A: Effective Speech (a.k.a. public speaking) at Penn State University in the Summer of 2011.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Motivating on Eating Disorders
This eating disorder advertisement is promoting a pro-recovery forum for those who are dealing with this issue in the past or present. I feel as if this internet style of reflection will be therapeutic for adolescent girls or mature women. Together, this will be an effective way to decrease the cases of eating disorders and to advocate awareness for the cause.
The action is to show how the individual dealing with the eating disorder sees themselves in the mirror. This is a good example of how psychologically the mind of a deteriorating patient has been effected. Not only is it physically challenging, but also eating disorders are mentally tiring.
This message is effective because it is direction in its presentation and it leaves the viewer with an image that will impact them. It is persuasive that this internet forum will be essential in healing and informing the public about the severity of eating disorders. Also, it shows that this disorder directly effects teenagers. I would further advertise this on both television and billboards. Likewise, this should be for men and women since the two experience the sickness.
Food and Water Watch Campaign; Against Factory Farming

I believe that this organization has a strong foundation and good intentions in making the environment healthier and reducing the effects of factory farming. However, if I were to modify this organization in any way, I would suggest that this organization hold events that promote community togetherness and acting on the problem as a whole. This way, people would be inclined to join to campaign if there was a way to have fun while doing something extremely beneficial for the environment. The Food and Water Watch group encourage you to join their campaign and be part of a Historic Consumer Movement. Their promise is to keep you informed about important actions you can take to protect your access to clean, safe, affordable food and water.
Dependence On Foreign Energy
Dick Cheney on Same-Sex Marriage
How to prevent trade imbalance of Rare Earth Elements

Since China reduce the export production, each government start to think their way without importing Rare Earth Elements from china. Individually, each government supports that people try to recycle their electronic goods which contain rare earth elements. Some people call this urban mining. It raises the efficiency of using natural resources. According to Natural Institute for material Science in japan, they investigate to extract the natural resources from electronic goods which stop to use. Especially, there are 400g of Rare Earth Elements in cell-phone which people stop to use. So, they can recycle this Rare Earth Elements to other areas such as rechargeable batteries, new cell phone, and much more. Also, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization try to investigate electronic car without using Rare Earth Elements. As I said in the speech, Rare Earth Elements are essential to produce electronic cars. To reduce dependence of Rare Earth Elements, people and government keep investigating about Rare Earth Elements. These efforts will increase the conformity against Chinese government’s export reduction and help to develop new technology.
People Against Verdicts
The R-Word

Glee star Jane Lynch has recently taken it upon herself to speak out about discrimination about people with disabilities. Although her character on Glee can be crude and sometimes insensitive, in real life Jane is very caring and very sensitive to words such as "retard" and any other kind of discrimination involving those with disabilities. She has started to produce PSA's about this issue talking about why it is so important not to discriminate and how to stop it. She gives alternative ways to speak to and treat those with disabilities in hopes that everyone will then follow her example.
Jane's efforts are effective to a certain extent. Since she is a celebrity, she kind of has more of an influence on the general public and what they think about certain circumstances. I think, though, that if she was to go out and physically do something to spread more awareness, it would be more effective than her just making Public Service Announcements. However, this is definitely a good start toward ending this discrimination!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
No Phone Zone

“I pledge to make my car a No Phone Zone. Beginning right now, I will do my part to help put an end to distracted driving by not texting or using my phone while I am driving. I will ask other drivers I know to do the same. I pledge to make a difference.”
Sign Oprah Winfrey’s No Phone Zone Pledge against distracted driving! Oprah took the issue of distracted driving to heart after airing an episode about a young girl who was killed by a driver on his cell phone. Texting is a huge distraction to drivers while on the road. The distraction of texting while driving is equivalent to the distraction of driving with a blood alcohol content level of .08!
Oprah created the No Phone Zone campaign in hopes to ban texting while driving in the US. In reference to the campaign, Oprah said, "My biggest hope for the No Phone Zone campaign is that it becomes mandatory that no one uses their phone in the car or texts while driving—just as seat belts are mandatory, just as driving while drunk is considered absolutely taboo, I'm hoping that this becomes not just law, but second nature for all of us." Watch her message here!
The individual action that Oprah took against distracted driving was beneficial to the issue. Since Oprah’s actions, people have been informed of the dangers of texting while driving. She has influenced over 200,000 people to sign the No Phone Zone Pledge, along with 60 celebrities to both sign and speak on behalf of the issue. Along with the pledge, Oprah and the state of Illinois have recognized April 30th as National “No Phone Zone Day.” Oprah’s website includes a page dedicated to the No Phone Zone Pledge. On the website, you can find information and personal stories on the issue. A helpful part of the website is a map of the US where you can click on a state and see if it has a phone ban. If your state does not have a ban, there is a link to contact your state governor and tell him what you think!
Oprah Winfrey is a great influence on the issue of distracted driving. Her importance and fame has brought America’s attention to the problem. Sign the pledge today!
Awareness of Ritalin
I think this article is extremely effective at persuading people to realize the dangers of Ritalin. It comes from first hand experience and is so personal that the reader can't help but listen to the point trying to be made. Every parent and future parent wants the best and healthy life for their child and knowing the facts from this article could greatly affect their decisions if the problem of A.D.H.D. ever came up with them.
The efforts of this single person has the potential to affect many lives. Sharing his personal story with the readers is a great example of someone who wants to make a difference. Even though his story is a very tragic one, it is definitely able to positively affect other families' similar stories.
Marcellus Shale
Anti-Smoking Programs
Gay Rights

There are many people that are taking individual action on gay rights. Not specifically to my topic of gay adoption but it relates in many ways. As I was talking in my speech I spoke about how there are many Christian adoption agencies that won’t allow gay and lesbians to adopt. Well as I was doing some research I found an article on a gay rights protest in front of a Catholic church.
The activist group is called the Gay Liberation Network. They decided to protest at the Holy Name Cathedral. There was nearly 100 men and women who had gathered outside of the cathedral in the morning and were protesting gay rights, expecially gay marriage, but basically any oppostion to gays, lesbians, and bi-sexuals. The protesters waved rainbow flags and shouted, "Hey, hey, ho, ho, homophobia has got to go!" and, "Holy Name, holy shame!"
I think the effectiveness of this is not high at all. The Catholic church has morals it has followed for years that go more than 100 years back. Just because a group of people are protesting outside their church, the people of the Catholic faith are not going to change their morals because of this. I think the persuasive effort of this was very strong because they had a lot of people and were showing how much they cared with tons of banners and slogans, but this still doesn’t mean that this group of people will change their mind. I think they could have changed their way of protesting by informing these people that diversity means acceptance and isn’t that what the Catholic faith teaches. I think the protesters should understand their morals and try to show them a different way of looking at homosexuals, and for them to understand that it is not their choice to be gay, they were born that way. Maybe slogans like that would be better rather than slogans like Hey, hey, ho, ho, homophobia has got to go!" and, "Holy Name, holy shame!" Holy shame is just hurtful in my opinion.
Preventing Steroid Use
Food Safety
Harder Driving Test

Against Animal Cruelty
Many activist groups, such as PETA, are fighting against animal experimentation, but for the right reasons. PETA or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is considered the largest animal activist group worldwide. According to, the group focuses on, factory farms, clothing trade, in labs, and in entertainment industry, which are the four areas where animals suffer the most. The group is involved in public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns. PETA uses petitions, and public protest in an act to try and stop animal cruelty. One recent campaign that has been produced by PETA is PETA’s ABC or animal birth control campaign. The reason behind this campaign is that there are too many animals born each day that cannot properly be sheltered and adopted by families, leaving shelters to put down over 4 million cats and dogs each year. PETA has made effort, through this campaign, to stop this from happening. Members of PETA are involved and are taking initiatives to prevent animals from over breeding. PETA does a very good job at protecting many innocent animals from cruelty and abuse. In many animal-testing cases where animals are mistreated, PETA has been able to raise enough awareness to shut down these laboratories. The messages that PETA presents are short, sweet and to the point. They fight through public protests until the job has been done. If it means the animals will benefit, PETA is not afraid to go above and beyond to point out the uncomfortable truth, which they do so often. Because they are for a good cause, people want to join, knowing the good reputation this activist group has and what it has done in the past for the animals.
Teacher Union Protests

When governor Tom Corbett proposed his new budget cuts, and state education was announced to be losing funding, this instantly angered teachers throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Teachers and even students from many state universities who are also taking a financial hit held rallies against these drastic budget cuts. The union that protested represented 6,000 faculty members and coaches at public universities. Individuals even stepped up and spoke at these protests. Pennsylvania State Education Association's President Jim Testerman stated, "We must remember that students only get one chance at a quality education. Pennsylvanians must not permit this recession to rob our children of the opportunity public education provides to prepare them for a better future." In addition to that, American Federation of Teacher's President Ted Kirsch spoke out by saying, "Pennsylvania’s teachers understand that our budget crisis requires new fiscal strategies—but necessary sacrifices should be shared sacrifices... The energy corporations that are exploiting the rich Marcellus Shale natural gas deposits pay no taxes for the drilling that is producing huge profits." This type of action that is being taken place is volunteer efforts and public protesting. It is volunteer efforts because these people are volunteering their own time to get their point across and by doing so they are using public protests. However, I don't find these protests to be very effective because the teacher union have received raises every year since the recession hit in 2008. "The governor had cited an increase in the average salaries of public employees from $39,037 to $45,105 over the last six years, while salaries of private sector employees remained steady at $32,239." Anyway, my mom told me that the salary only went into effect towards the poorer school districts. Finally I would modify their efforts by having the teachers offer up an alternative. Instead of cutting their salary, they should draw the money elsewhere, maybe like Marcellus Shale and tax payers or road work that's done all throughout Pennsylvania.
School Budgets

Defeating Anorexia Athletica
In my problem-solution speech, I addressed the problem of anorexia athletica and how it affects athletes in multiple sports. Because the main issue is lack of awareness, there are hardly any organizations dedicated to solely decreasing the number of athletes developing anorexia athletica. One woman, named Marion MacLean, wrote a book titled Defeating Anorexia Athletica—One Woman’s Journey through Exercise Addiction and Beyond. It is a true story, taking readers through her life-threatening battle with the disease. It demonstrates the complexities of the fixation with physical perfection as well as other eating disorders. Her aim in writing this book was to raise awareness of anorexia athletica, because it is an unexplored topic, with little to no research done on it. I feel that this book has mixed effects. To those who read it, I’m sure it has an impact on them; however, in today’s society, many people do not have time to sit down and read a book. If more people were informed of the existence of this book, the message may be more effective.
A more widely known campaign to stop eating disorders is linked with the show Make it or Break It. One of the main characters, Kaylie, develops an eating disorder after she had been told by her coach that she could not perform a skill because she was not small enough. Josie Loren, the actress who plays Kaylie, appears in commercials that air on ABC family, which lets the viewers know that eating disorders are a serious matter. I feel that this is a more effective way to raise awareness of eating disorders because there is a great number of teenagers, who are at risk for developing these diseases, who watch these television shows. The only thing I would change about this campaign is that it does not specifically raise awareness for anorexia athletica. It is more focused on informing others on how to receive treatment, which is beneficial, but how can people be treated for a disease that they do not even know exists?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Car-Free Day!

This opportunity is open for anyone to involve in as long as you just sign a pledge. Participators range from students to senior citizens. All they need to do is go car-free for that day! This could be considered a group and individual action because the individual has to take initiative to participate in the activity as a whole.
I definitely think this is an effective method of “advertising” public transportation. It also shows that people care about making the change; saving the environment, lowering the demand of gasoline, and reducing traffic congestion. The only thing I would change is to try to make this more known about in places in the U.S. other than Washington D.C. It seems like a really great way to promote public transportation so they should share their idea! It will be persuasive to the audience because not only will other people see these acts, but government officials will as well and they will notice the people acting out and possibly take these actions into account when they view the bill coming that’s asking for a 30% decrease in public transportation funding.
Childhood Obesity
To solve the challenge of childhood obesity, Michelle Obama launched an initiative called Let's Move! so that children today will grow up to be healthier. This campaign seeks to give parents helpful information that support healthy choices, to provide healthier foods in schools, and to ensure that all families have access to healthy food that is affordable. Most importantly, they also seek to help children become more physically active. Although this is a huge, national campaign, it encourages everyone to be involved in reducing childhood obesity. For example, on, they teach people how to take action; parents should get on the right track to eat well and to stay fit, schools should add healthy guidelines to the daily schedules, communities should empower families to make healthy decisions, elected officials should take action in cities and towns, kids should have fun being active and eating healthy, and health care providers should support and educate their patients in living healthier. These tasks get almost everyone in the community involved and the campaign persuades that any person could volunteer and could make a difference in reducing childhood obesity.