Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Delete Digital Drama

In my problem-solution speech, I addressed the issue of bullying and how it is affected teens and children all over the world. The stars of ABC Family’s hit shows have teamed up together with Seventeen Magazine to stop cyberbullying. They have started a campaign to “delete digital drama”. They all attended a “rally to delete digital drama” on July 14, 2011, where they raised money to send to a nonprofit organization called Stomp Bullying! . They also sold T-shirts that the celebrities advertised, and the money was also donated to this organization.

I think that this was a very effective way of service to alleviate this problem of cyberbullying. I think that children today are very impressionable and when they see the star of their favorite show they are easily persuaded to listen to them. I think that by selling the T-shirts that the celebrities are wearing, the children watching them are likely to buy the shirts. They are also advertising their campaign on ABC Family, which will influence the audience watching the channel not to cyberbully, or bully in general.

One thing that I would change about this campaign is that it only targets cyberbullying. I think that it should focus on all types of bullying and that they are all wrong. If the audience’s role models were enforcing the stop to all types of bullying, then maybe the rate of bullying would overall decrease, not just in the category of cyberbullying. Although this campaign is very good and is effective, I think that it should not just address one type of bullying.

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