Thursday, July 28, 2011

Preventing Steroid Use

In my problem-solution speech, I addressed the problem of performance enhancing drugs, such as steroids, and how to prevent it. After doing some research, individuals and groups in Texas are trying to gather more qualified professionals about steroids to their communities and schools to present educational workshops for their children and other students on steroid use. Also, for different nights, such as parent nights, sports nights and etc are a good time that the parents are trying to provide information on steroids and the symptoms of steroids and how they can realize if their child or another is abusing this drug.
This is open for anyone that feels the need to participate in bringing professionals to their communities to talk about steroids and to help them expand their knowledge and teach them about steroid use. This is very helpful in understanding what steroids can do to you and how you can learn the symptoms of steroids. Its very beneficial.
This is a very effective way for parents to get involved with their children's lives and to understand what they may be doing to their bodies. It helps show that they care about their children and how they get involved with their lives and actually try to point them in the right direction. It's also effect because with professional speakers and people that have taken steroids coming to their communities and telling people about their experiences helps embrace the minds of the audience and help them understand how serious it was and what they went through abusing this drug.

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