Thursday, July 28, 2011

No Phone Zone

“I pledge to make my car a No Phone Zone. Beginning right now, I will do my part to help put an end to distracted driving by not texting or using my phone while I am driving. I will ask other drivers I know to do the same. I pledge to make a difference.”

Sign Oprah Winfrey’s No Phone Zone Pledge against distracted driving! Oprah took the issue of distracted driving to heart after airing an episode about a young girl who was killed by a driver on his cell phone. Texting is a huge distraction to drivers while on the road. The distraction of texting while driving is equivalent to the distraction of driving with a blood alcohol content level of .08!

Oprah created the No Phone Zone campaign in hopes to ban texting while driving in the US. In reference to the campaign, Oprah said, "My biggest hope for the No Phone Zone campaign is that it becomes mandatory that no one uses their phone in the car or texts while driving—just as seat belts are mandatory, just as driving while drunk is considered absolutely taboo, I'm hoping that this becomes not just law, but second nature for all of us." Watch her message here!

The individual action that Oprah took against distracted driving was beneficial to the issue. Since Oprah’s actions, people have been informed of the dangers of texting while driving. She has influenced over 200,000 people to sign the No Phone Zone Pledge, along with 60 celebrities to both sign and speak on behalf of the issue. Along with the pledge, Oprah and the state of Illinois have recognized April 30th as National “No Phone Zone Day.” Oprah’s website includes a page dedicated to the No Phone Zone Pledge. On the website, you can find information and personal stories on the issue. A helpful part of the website is a map of the US where you can click on a state and see if it has a phone ban. If your state does not have a ban, there is a link to contact your state governor and tell him what you think!

Oprah Winfrey is a great influence on the issue of distracted driving. Her importance and fame has brought America’s attention to the problem. Sign the pledge today!

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