Thursday, July 7, 2011

Message should be clear!!

Recently, one of the Korean cities holds 2018 Winter Olympics. During the process to hold the Winter Olympics, Korean government sent message to IOC members. The sender was Korean government, and the receivers were IOC members. The message was that Pyeongchang which tried to hold 2018 Winter Olympics was the only one city which could successfully held the Olympics. IOC members understood Pyeongchang’s situation. At the vote, Pyeongchang had 63 votes out of 95 votes. It was overwhelming victory. The context was that we lost twice to hold Olympics. We learned from that lost, and fixed it. Now, it is the time to hold and win this competition.

Through this process, the element of this conversation is that send message that can clearly understand. In this competition, the some members knew how Pyeongchang prepared for this competition. So, they were not hard to understand in this situation. However, members who were not interested in Pyeongchang could not know the situation unless the message was not clear. So, message should express clearly to share with members. It also happens in our communication in general. The receiver may not understand sender’s message if the message that sender sends was hard. Thus, when we communicate, we should understand easily, and clearly. Through that, we can share our ideas by communicating easily.

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