Friday, July 29, 2011

Dick Cheney on Same-Sex Marriage

A surprising celebrity advocate for gay marriage is former Republican vice president Dick Cheney. Cheney supports a state by state legalization of gay marriage.  Cheney has said that in a country that advocates freedom as one of its main values that it should mean freedom for everyone. Cheney has spoken at press conferences about his support for state legalization of same-sex marriage.  I don’t think his efforts are extremely effective. Although he is speaking his views which contradict with his political ideology he is not taking much action to fix the problem. The use of freedom for everyone is an effective persuasive strategy but it does not mean much unless action is taken. The way I would modify Dick Cheney’s efforts in order to make them more effective would be to take action. A call to action for the states does not do much. If I were Cheney I would travel state to state encouraging legislators to take action in their meetings. Showing people you care by traveling to them and pushing them to do something is more effective than just talking about it.

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