Thursday, July 28, 2011

Food Safety

In my problem-solution speech, I addressed the issue of food safety and that the FDA is not properly inspecting all of the food being sold in the US. This is a problem as it causes bacterial outbreaks that result in food borne illness. The mother of a boy that unfortunately was infected with e. coli during an outbreak and died as a result, Nancy Donley, has been personally advocating this problem. Shortly after her son's death, she wrote a letter to congressman at that time Dick Durbin addressing the problem. Durbin felt that her message was strong and decided to take matters into his own hands and has been working on the passage of a new food safety bill for the past 17 years. Other than getting government involvement and awareness, Donley wants to address this problem to all citizens in America. She even promoted her message on an CBS news special in this video. To get public awareness, she has created an organization in order to spread the word to everyone about the problems we are having with food safety. This organization that she created is called Safe Tables Our Priority(STOP). Through her personal advocation and through STOP she has assisted the passage and legislation of a new food safety bill. This was the first food safety bill to be passed in over 70 years.
I believe that Nancy Donley and the STOP organization have both done a very effective job in spreading their word around. Since Donley has personal experience with the tragic effects of food borne illness, she can easily influence others to relate with her and realize the severity of this problem. Donley's efforts were very persuasive and she succeeded in making a difference in food safety in the US.

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