Friday, July 29, 2011

Dependence On Foreign Energy

The social problem that I presented in my speech was the United States dependence on foreign energy. This is a social problem that you may think does not involve many people and that no one is really taking individual action against. However, you are wrong. People all over the country are through with the U.S.’s dependence on foreign energy like oil. One way that individuals have and can take action is by purchasing energy saving clean cars like hybrids. Others are reducing their driving and using bicycles and forms of public transportation. Those who are concerned with the country’s dependence on foreign energy like oil are changing the way car companies especially, but also other major companies think about new clean energy sources. Although not everyone who wants to take action against this problem can afford to buy a new clean hybrid car, they can still participate by riding bicycles and using public transportation. One may not think that these actions are effective or useful, but they are. Car companies are already getting the message to switch to energy proficient cars and invest in advanced innovation. This action will continue to be effective and will continue to spread to companies all over the country. These actions are very persuasive due to the fact that these actions not only save you money at the pump, but are also shown to work. Those looking to take part in action against the United States dependence on foreign energy can visit the website below for more information.

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