Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kick Butts Day!

For the past three years, I had been involved in Key Club which was a community service organization they offered at my high school. A memorable experience was a day that we traveled to the local Middle School and participated in Kick Butts Day. This is a civic engagement because we were advocating against the use of cigarettes and other uses of tobacco among young teens and young adults. We didn't have a a rhetor explaining things to the kids but we had activities and stations set up for them to see the negative effects of using tobacco. Since we knew our audience or listeners would be middle school-aged kids, we had to use vocabulary that would be able to comprehend. As the sender, we had to make sure they weren't decoding our message in a way that we didn't mean for it to be decoded. We had to be slightly professional so they would take us seriously but we also had to make sure we were on their level as well to be able to demonstrate the communication process successfully.

images via Facebook

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