Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sexual Assault

When I was 10th grader in Korea, I joined in an organization which discussed social issues. At that time, sexual assault was a huge social issue. Some females committed suicide, because of its pain. Our organization discussed this social issue and looked for its solution. The solution that we suggest was a sexual education which showed people its danger. We thought education is one of the best ways to stop this problem, because we can lead people to right path by studying. There was a sexual education, but our school used this as a study period. So, we should revive this education. At first, we informed this importance from our friends and neighbors. We tried our best to inform the importance of this education. Most of our friends and neighbors agreed it and signed up agreements. So, we petitioned the school for vitalizing this education by sending our supporter’s agreements. School could not ignore this educational importance, and agreed our petition. Since 2010, my former school has taught sexual education for entire student. Our discussion organization awarded a prize from the government, because we informed this importance instead of the government. Although our discussing organization could not stop this sexual assault which happens in somewhere, we certify that we reduce some crimes.

1 comment:

  1. This example is evidence that there are different types of success that can come from public advocacy and/or civic engagement. Although the problem was not eliminated, your efforts were effective in that your voices were heard, and the program was implemented. A good example to bear in mind as you all craft your policy solutions!
