Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pretty Little Liars communication model

The Communication model shows how a “sender” sends a “message” to another person or a “receiver.” The receiver interprets or decodes the sender’s message who encodes it to begin with. Encoding means putting a message into codes that are easily decoded by the receiver of the message. In this scene from Pretty Little Liars, “A” or the sender sends a message to the girls so they are the receivers. The message she sends is a picture of an apartment that was ransacked through. “A” wants the girls to know she was there so she encodes that message through the picture and the girls decode it and realize that she had went through the apartment and that meant she had control over the girls. The context of the message was a non-verbal one but did the job that the sender wanted. The most prominent component in this scene would probably have to be decoding. The girls had to decode “A”’s message to realize what she had done. If they didn’t decode this message then the communication process would have failed.

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