Thursday, July 7, 2011

Communication Model

This scene, from the television show, Make It or Break It, is an example of the communication process. The coach, Sasha, is the sender and the gymnasts are the receivers. He is trying to send a message to the girls to tell them that only this moment matters and that he believes in them. As he speaks, they give him feedback by watching him, and nodding. There isn’t much background noise, so it adds to the effectiveness of this communication. I think that the element that is most significant is the way that the girls are attentively listening. By doing so, they can clearly understand what he is saying and it will benefit everyone. If they chose to ignore him, it would not have been effective for anyone because they would not have felt as prepared. For human communication in general, listening to the sender is important because it is the only way to really hear what they are saying and to appropriately respond.

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