Friday, July 29, 2011

The R-Word

Discrimination toward those with disabilities is a very common issue, whether people realize they are doing it or not. Many folks may not consciously discriminate against these people; most of the time it is human nature to speak to/about people with disabilities differently than the rest of the population.

Glee star Jane Lynch has recently taken it upon herself to speak out about discrimination about people with disabilities. Although her character on Glee can be crude and sometimes insensitive, in real life Jane is very caring and very sensitive to words such as "retard" and any other kind of discrimination involving those with disabilities. She has started to produce PSA's about this issue talking about why it is so important not to discriminate and how to stop it. She gives alternative ways to speak to and treat those with disabilities in hopes that everyone will then follow her example.

Jane's efforts are effective to a certain extent. Since she is a celebrity, she kind of has more of an influence on the general public and what they think about certain circumstances. I think, though, that if she was to go out and physically do something to spread more awareness, it would be more effective than her just making Public Service Announcements. However, this is definitely a good start toward ending this discrimination!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that Jane should also make efforts other than public service announcements. I think that celebrities have tremendous influence on the public and they should put forth more effort in spreading awareness and contributing to organizations/charities that need their message to be heard by all.
