Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gay Rights

There are many people that are taking individual action on gay rights. Not specifically to my topic of gay adoption but it relates in many ways. As I was talking in my speech I spoke about how there are many Christian adoption agencies that won’t allow gay and lesbians to adopt. Well as I was doing some research I found an article on a gay rights protest in front of a Catholic church.

The activist group is called the Gay Liberation Network. They decided to protest at the Holy Name Cathedral. There was nearly 100 men and women who had gathered outside of the cathedral in the morning and were protesting gay rights, expecially gay marriage, but basically any oppostion to gays, lesbians, and bi-sexuals. The protesters waved rainbow flags and shouted, "Hey, hey, ho, ho, homophobia has got to go!" and, "Holy Name, holy shame!"

I think the effectiveness of this is not high at all. The Catholic church has morals it has followed for years that go more than 100 years back. Just because a group of people are protesting outside their church, the people of the Catholic faith are not going to change their morals because of this. I think the persuasive effort of this was very strong because they had a lot of people and were showing how much they cared with tons of banners and slogans, but this still doesn’t mean that this group of people will change their mind. I think they could have changed their way of protesting by informing these people that diversity means acceptance and isn’t that what the Catholic faith teaches. I think the protesters should understand their morals and try to show them a different way of looking at homosexuals, and for them to understand that it is not their choice to be gay, they were born that way. Maybe slogans like that would be better rather than slogans like Hey, hey, ho, ho, homophobia has got to go!" and, "Holy Name, holy shame!" Holy shame is just hurtful in my opinion.

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